Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Na Skarpie (Rubinkowo District)

Frozen and snowy (for the moment today).


  1. Anonymous19/3/08 21:53

    Hi, my name is Emoke, i found your blog surfing on internet. I like your photo. Do you mind if i link it to my blog? ( I collect pictures about block of flats, and its strange to see, that in Poland they are the same like in Romania (my country).

  2. Anonymous20/3/08 11:55

    The sky and clouds are beautiful. Nice photo for the first day of spring.

    Imagine this:
    Take a picture of your car with you seated in it, going down the super highway at 65 mph. I just put this on my Brookville blog this morning.

  3. Hey:)mozej jakies fotki rubinkowa 2?:) To moje osiedle, obecnie mieszkam w Izrealu, ale teskie za naszymi blokami:)

  4. ok, przy okazji strzelę i powstawiam;)
